Monday, March 26, 2007

same old same old

This week it is back to the same old grind stone. Spring break came and went. It did not really feel like a break to me. I worked 50 hours that week so I was very tired. I also had to study for two midterms in my two hardest classes. Sometimes I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown if I do not slow down. Then there is the insurmountable financial burdens. My husband just opened a chiropractic office so there won't be a steday income from that for probably several years. This is why I work so much and attend school full time. I just feel like I am not able to give the attention I would like to my studies. I do get A's most of the time, but I do not know how much information I am retaining after the exam is taken. There are some things I need to know. I am going to take my CPA examination in a few years. They have questions from all levels of your education on that exam. It just concerns me that I can not do as thorough of a job as I would like to due to time constraints. Sometimes it bothers me so much I just want to cry. I know I shouldn't be so particular, I guess I am just a perfectionist. I really need to learn how to take time for myself. Maybe someday I will learn that lesson, but for now I am just trying to survive.

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