Monday, March 26, 2007

same old same old

This week it is back to the same old grind stone. Spring break came and went. It did not really feel like a break to me. I worked 50 hours that week so I was very tired. I also had to study for two midterms in my two hardest classes. Sometimes I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown if I do not slow down. Then there is the insurmountable financial burdens. My husband just opened a chiropractic office so there won't be a steday income from that for probably several years. This is why I work so much and attend school full time. I just feel like I am not able to give the attention I would like to my studies. I do get A's most of the time, but I do not know how much information I am retaining after the exam is taken. There are some things I need to know. I am going to take my CPA examination in a few years. They have questions from all levels of your education on that exam. It just concerns me that I can not do as thorough of a job as I would like to due to time constraints. Sometimes it bothers me so much I just want to cry. I know I shouldn't be so particular, I guess I am just a perfectionist. I really need to learn how to take time for myself. Maybe someday I will learn that lesson, but for now I am just trying to survive.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Boy this will be a really stressful week. I have four midterms on Thursday. Two of the midterms account for half of my grade. I need to get a's. I must get a's. Nothing else is an option. I suppose I will not get much sleep this week. Next week is springbreak, but I have two papers I need to work on. One of my papers must be 15 pages in length and we have not gotten specific instructions from our instructor yet. He is probably sick of me asking for instructions. I really need to get started on that paper. I am on a major diet also. I need to lose five pounds this week. I will try to spend five hours in the gym this week. It is getting difficult to keep up with schoolwork and my work at my job. Not to mention taking care of my family. I just have to stay focused. I need to get a's. My career depends on it. Nothing else is an option.