Wednesday, January 24, 2007

An introduction

Hi! My name is Sarah and I am new to blogging. I work full time and go to school full time. I also have two children. I work 16 hour days on Monday and Wednesday so I can attend classes. My husband is a new chiropractor so I am helping him to open his business. I am getting my degree in accounting so I also try to help with the billing and I like to keep an eye on the books. I don't have alot of spare time, but when I do I like to watch movies, spend time with my family and my best friend( who is alsao like family). I really struggle with the guilt of being away from my children so much. I know it is for the best of my family that I complete my degree, but children are only young once. I already think about all the things I missed out on just from working. Now I am practically never at home. When I am at home I am usually too tired to really be any use to anyone. My job is also very demanding. I feel like I am responsible for everything in my department yet I don't have the authority to do anything to really make any significant change. This also a reason I am working so hard to get my degree. Hopefully things will work out with my husband's practice so I can cut back my work hours and really focus on school.


Wyvetta said...

Sarah, I wish you the best. Find time to enjoy your children too. They grow up sooooooooo fast.

Susie said...

Hi Sarah,
They do grow fast, and they will also respect you so much for what you will be offering them and are sacrificing for them. They won't remember how much you are gone, just how many fun times you get to have later. Hang in there!
(mother of 3)